This week, my life could have been a tv soap
Finally back at work. Mondays are usually tiring but this one more so as I have had a pretty dramatic week starting the Friday before...
Drama 01: Friday (5 Nov)Learnt that my Grandma isn't doing so well. Had a third stroke together with a serious urinary tract infection. Packed up within a few hours notice to fly back to S'pore.
- Drama 02: Friday (5 Nov) The connecting flight to Auckland was postoned one hour, then another and it got so dangerously close to threatening my international flight that I had to buy another flight to connect to Auckland.
- Drama 03: Midweek. Left my car to Jill when I was away in Singapore. Some guy reversed into it and now it needs to be fixed. Insurance was under Uncle Mike's name so he had to know. This is beginning to feel like a series of unfortunate events coming all in the same week.
- Drama 04: Weekend. Returned to NZ and realized that my returning resident's visa had already expired. Not much drama there as I could get a temporary visitor's visa to keep me in the country for 90 days. Frankly, I was too tired to care then.
So here I am now, trying to clear my backlog of work. I had a good time back in Singapore with family and friends then. I missed Jan this time round but I guess we will get a chance when I get back in January. Ah, now it is time to get organized and see what I must do to get through the week. I am fairly good with improvisation now (from all the "dis"organisations I have been working for) so it feels weird that I actually need to plan my way out of this week. Ah life, despite all its dramas I think it has been kind to me. Press on!