A bit better today

Today wasn't as bad as yesterday. Still, a lot of things didn't go according to plan. I had initially wanted to watch "Bolt" with Janice but she canceled in the morning. I also messaged my dear girl to make it clear that I wouldn't be seeing her until she was ready for an exclusive relationship. Wasn't the easiest thing to do but I think it is for the best. Went to the gym to try to lose some weight as well as take my mind off the whole situation. Managed to grab hold of Jeng Heng for dinner. Took the opportunity to sell my old laptop at Funan too. Was quite pleased to get $420 for it (I was hoping for about $300). Had a long chat with Jeng Heng. He's really a stickler for the proven path and still puts a lot in the power of money. Me? I disagree with convention and I realized that I don't need much money to keep alive. I have lived a year largely without things like TV, internet and toys and didn't think I missed much. Perhaps even best friends can have largely different values. Still feel like none of the shots are falling for me but at least they are somewhat getting closer to target. A marked improvement from yesterday for sure.


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