It is not going well
All is not well. The experiment is off to a bumpy start. Everyone thinks I am mad. Mum ESPECIALLY. "Why don't you hold a NORMAL job?", "Why is everyone else getting married/building up a stable career?" and so on and so forth. It seems that parents are totally not supportive of the idea (or of anything I do). Sure, they'd love that I've got a stable job (perhaps a teacher? Government employee?) and probably married and in a stable relationship and all. Too bad. I wasn't born that way and will never be happy conforming to society. My talents are not easily marketable and I have gotten on board an industry that is as volatile as a feather in a tornado. My love life isn't much better. I love a girl who is immensely complex and unstable. It is probably going to end in messy tragedy but attraction is not a choice. Love commands (somewhat cruelly) and I obey. Sigh. I spent the day reading Randy Komisar's "The Monk and the Riddle" and also got a Macross for Fabs. Other than that I did fuck all. No creative work. No plans, no working for anything. Feel damn lost. But on the plus side, I think this book is showing promise of helping me gain some clarity on my situation. Hope it does.