Looking back at 2008
Looking back at 2008 is a really hard thing to do. It is a year where all my dreams never materialized the way I envisioned it to be. I remember reading that someone famous (Edison I think) had lost all his stuff in a huge fire. This must be my baptism of fire. A year where everything I had intended to build fell apart. I didn't do well at all at work and as much as I hate to admit it, I probably invested too much emotionally into a relationship that the other person did not regard me seriously. Even things that I used to be good at, like drawing, are now lost to me. I've not completed one sketch for the entire year. Health isn't too good either. Gastric problems together with weight gain isn't exactly the best of combinations. I know I need to get over this depression soon so that I can get on with the rest of it. The weight of restarting my life is overwhelming. Everything seems to need to happen fast and I am paralysed because I do not exactly know what I should be doing. So it is back to distractions like Puzzle Quest to try to keep my mind relaxed. But you can't keep running away from it. I need to get away and rethink this whole life plan. 3 days in some beach getaway should do the trick.