A lot on my mind

I'm swinging in and out of moods. One day I'm okay, the next I feel like crap. I am now heavily burdened by mainly 2 things; how should I proceed with my career and how should I treat my ongoing relationships. It seems right now I need the time and space to reconnect with my passion but financial and family strains are throwing those plans off. I do not have much tangibles to rely on. Was thinking of leaving it all for a simpler life elsewhere. But there is no simple life is there? Will see what develops. I've gotta find some way to make a good living and I have decided that I do not want to work for Trevor again. Not that he wasn't nice to me or anything. I just don't think it is going well at all. Huhus is destined for failure unless they take drastic measures to change. That probably isn't going to happen anytime soon. Will try for the teaching post if possible. See what pops up. God will provide.


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