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Blue on Friday morn
Alright, after a disappointing 2 days of CNY celebration (or lack of), I'm back facing my problems again. Getting a job is a huge and lingering problem but I suppose that there's nothing I can do except try more aggressively in Feb. Went out yesterday with XX, Dianne, Janice and her boyfriend. Went to this crap Japanese restaurant (food picture above) in Centerpoint. The food was just frozen deep fry. Horrid. I will not go there again. Yesterday was a day of improvisation and of plans derailed. Wanted to watch "Bejamin Button". Wasn't showing yet. Thought of switching to "The Reader". Dianne watched it already and I wasn't too keen anyway. Wanted to go for dinner a this Jap restaurant in Orchard Plaza. Closed this 1 Feb. Was trying to figure out how many pronation muscles there are in the arm as I am sculpting the arms of my sword master character. I'm still not sure but I believe there are 2 of them. Had a long chat with XX. I'm no dating expert but I get a sense that he's very clueless about meeting girls. Oh heck, I'll just leave him to his own devices. As they say "God will provide". I have bigger issues in my own life to deal with. Wanted to take a piss at the "Move on to bigger things" Navy recruitment poster. Somebody had beaten me to it...