Monday. After an uneventful Sunday (of which the major highlight was a Peranakan lunch at Manis Manis), I tried to make Monday work for me. I went to the gym, got my workout and managed to do some video stuff for Alex's wedding montage. Got a little bored in the evening after dinner and because I forgot to switch my laptop off, I got a message from her. Yup, her as in the girl that I bloody love with all my heart. Something about Little Britain going to America. I decided not to reply since I have decided to walk away (somewhat painfully) from the relationship anyway. Then a freaky chain of events hit me. I don't usually watch Columbo. That's my sister's thing. But there I was, watching Columbo. Then I felt a bit hungry and looked around for any interesting snacks around. Of all the stuff around, I picked a fortune cookie. I didn't even know we had that! Then I thought that it was going to say shit like "Luck will shine on you today". Instead, it said this:
"Everyone needs to be loved... especially when they do not deserve it."
I hit me like a heavyweight punch. So here I am, drinking my South African Shiraz, pondering the words. Love, if you are reading this, then know that you don't have to do anything to deserve my love. It's already yours, given without condition. But continuing the way we were will just lead us to become love casualties so as much as I want to, I simply can't.