Trust in Him

I'm feeling a little better now. Realized that I have but roughly 2 weeks more before I jet back to NZ. I remember ranting about religion the day before. I don't think I've totally given up. Or rather I don't think that God has given up on me. I think it is what prevents me from taking my life right here and now. However faint hope is for the future, it is still there and has kept me going on. I read yesterday's reading on "The Word among us", a Catholic daily devotional website and it was about how the disciples of Jesus continued doubting Jesus even after witnessing many miracles. The point is that God WILL provide. No matter the odds. A bit of pain is necessary for growth though. And I have never really embraced the idea that Protestants have as in "God helps those who help themselves". What then of the people who are unable to help themselves? What then of those who try very hard to help themselves but still end up failing? The point is that God knows best. And He is going to give me everything I need because He loves me. What an empowering thought!


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