Monday morning round up

Oho, Monday morning round up time. I've to admit. The tax departments of both Singapore and NZ are making life hard for me. I suppose that's what they exist to do. I owe the NZ tax authority about $100 for late tax which is nasty and for the Singapore one, I misplaced the IRAs pin. Damn. But all is well on this lovely Monday morning. Last week was definitely more productive than the week before anyway. I've managed to do all I set out to do except for maybe meet up with the Church people, but that was because it clashed with my family skype time. Wasn't too bad a weekend. Did my laundry and supermarket on Sunday and went out with Kingfisher (my former Huhu's colleague from China) on Saturday. We were just deciding to bum around and explore Auckland (We're both on a tight budget. Me more so than him) when we found this Navy ship docked in the harbour. Well, that's not something you see everyday. Interestingly, the captain's seat is just behind a row of other crew people without any controls around it. It has to be then that the Captain does NOTHING but shouts orders to his crew. "ONE CHEESEBURGER TO GO!!!" Heh. Anyway, you can look at a pic of this fine craft that I have attached here. I wouldn't say I have had a good chat with my family this week. I always like talking to them but I'm getting a lot of nagging from Mum and Sis. I suppose I deserve some of it but my circumstances are hard now. Sure I'd love to have a warm egg and bacon breakfast each day, but then budget wouldn't allow me this luxury. Oh, and then I hear we've got our new car. Yay! I'm so happy it is here even if I'm not around to see it. I know I've been a constant pain in the arse about manual transmission cars but hey, we're all entitled to our quirks (Sorry Dad, for being such a childish pain). I suppose I have skipped many days of updates so this is like a constant regurgitation of whatever spews from my disorganized mind. So readers (there should be really few), please bear with me. On Thusday, I had my soccer game with cousins Chris and Charles and then I got to see their lovely apartment. Like a hotel - Fabulous.
Then there is this last thing that I would like to crystallize. She has asked me to help her get out of S'pore to NZ. Don't put any hopes on it she tells me. I guess I know now that I don't figure much in her life anyway. But I will help her as an obligation to love. Why? Because I had experienced the same unconditional love from someone else but was unable to return it. It is a beautiful if somewhat tragic thing but it has kept me warm through the hardest of times. It is always wonderful to know that even at your worst, someone thinks the best of you.


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