Time passes quickly

Time passes quickly. It is now Saturday. Played soccer with my cousins Chris and Charles and to be honest, they seem kind of foreign to me. Not at all how it used to be when we were kids. Still, it was a fun game. Cooping up in this small room is pretty unhealthy. Either I spend most of the day sleeping or most of the day depressed. It is not that the condition of the room or anything. It is just that feeling of being alone generally. I try my best not to let these thoughts seep in but they inevitably do. Still no luck on the job side. I've gotten myself a printer ($75 only. Yep the NZD is freaking low now) to print some CVs for circulation. I have also applied for some other jobs and perhaps I would like to try a few more things today. Will be going to Church tomorrow. I went to pray there today, wishing my friends and family well. I also prayed for my job crisis to end soon. It is always better to focus on a solution rather than over-define the problem.


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