Distressed in waiting
When Abraham was seventy-five years old, God first promised to make a great nation spring from him, even though he was childless (Genesis 12:1-4). Now Abraham is ninety-nine, Sarah is ninety, and God is telling them to get ready! Then, at just the right time, Isaac is born, and from him and his descendants come God’s chosen people, Israel.
Some waiting is filled with eager expectation, like anticipating the visit of a close friend after many years’ absence. However, having to wait for something that we really want can be distressing, especially if we’re uncertain if or when it will happen. We may grow restless, anxious, and doubtful, or feel trapped and impatient. But when we let these feelings get the better of us, we’re like a bird that madly hurls itself against the bars of its cage—we only make the problem worse.
Waiting on the Lord isn’t supposed to be an exercise in frustration; it’s an opportunity to exercise our faith! Take Abraham as your model. Abraham put his trust in God and saw beyond his circumstances, believing that God could accomplish whatever he promised. We have inherited that promise, which God fulfilled for us by raising his only Son from the dead. Nothing is impossible for him. But as Abraham’s story shows, sometimes the impossible takes a bit longer!
What are you waiting for right now? Perhaps you’ve been praying for someone who is in a desperate situation with health or finances, or perhaps you are in such a situation yourself. Perhaps you’ve been praying for the conversion of someone who is far from God. If you have done what you can, trust God to do the rest! You may not see what you’re looking for right away, but that doesn’t mean that God has abandoned you. He is at work even now, forming you more deeply during this time of waiting. He knows what is best for you. Abraham and Sarah are proof that no matter how long you have to wait, God’s time is always the appointed time!
“Faithful God, forgive my impatience and my lack of trust. Help me to rest securely in your plan and to wait with expectant faith for whatever you bring me.”
Psalm 105:4-9; John 8:51-59"
You see, the problem is that I don't even know what God has promised me.