Stock market mood
I have had a stock market mood over these few days; down, recover and then down again. I remembered feeling absolutely horrid on Saturday, so much so that I could not sleep. I just felt my situation had little hope and I was crushed by the weight of despair. Job fishing has come up pretty dry and the longer it drags without result, the more demoralized I become. Makes you just want to lay down in bed and give up. But life still has to go on and though these little bumps are expected. I still have to keep fighting. Keep pressing on. I measured 18/25 on a depression scale which recommended that I go seek medical help. Bah! What a waste on money. Much depends on yourself. So with careful research, I have put myself in "treatment". This means planning out a schedule, combating mid-day naps, proper nutrition and exercise, as well as getting support from friends and family. I felt better on Sunday (it was palm Sunday) and joined in this activity called "Theology on Tap". The topic was about how Jesus voluntarily sacrificed Himself so that there need not be any other further sacrifices. It is probably called faith because it is so hard to believe. This world sacrifices people everyday. We sacrifice the poor for the rich, the weak for the strong, the beautiful for the ugly... think you get the idea. Was good to buy myself a pint though. Watched "Aliens vs Monsters" too.
Then... it's Monday. Back to the drudgery of job search again. Found this really interesting company called Spectronics though and would really like to work for them. I had some early morning laughs talking to Jaden (my Ah Beng friend) on msn. "Bad news" became "back new". Attached is proof... I had a real "lol" moment.
