Tired. And want a hot tub...
Tired. I wake up tired almost everyday. Not refreshed but tired. It is now Monday morning and the weekend really flew by. Didn't really do much except for the usual laundry and supermarket run. Other than that, not much else. I remember being really conscious of my budget. So much so that I skipped the Theology on Tap function after mass yesterday. I don't regret not going. The topic was about Catholic art which I don't really care about. But it can't hurt to socialize a bit more... Saw this funny tee-shirt on the way to grocery shopping. Really appeals to my twisted sense of humour.
Hmm, I'm remember a great line from a graphic novel to the effect of "not dying is not the same as living". Suppose that is all I am now. I don't have any dreams or hopes for the future. No goals like "I want to buy a car/house by 30", "make my own movie" or "stable career by 35". All I really want to do is lie down in a hot bath tub in a grand hotel, having food and wine and perhaps watching a soccer game - not a care in the world. What's next? Dunno. But how many of us dare say that they would be doing the exact same thing they are now if the world were ending tomorrow?
