It's getting colder here. First time I think I might need to take my gloves out of the box. I go around everywhere with my purple hooded jacket, hood-over-head and hands in pockets. Some nights can get really foggy too. I took this picture (above) on Saturday night after finishing skype with my family. I recall being touched by a sense of child-like wonder seeing this fog. Was kind of fairy tale and Christmas altogether.
Sunday was Pentacost and there were a whole host of nationalities in Church. It looked like tribal council on Survivor, without the back-stabbing hostility of course. Pentecost is about God giving His Holy Spirit to us. Quite honestly though, I find it hard to relate to this aspect of the Trinity. I haven't felt anything changed in me ever due to this. My life isn't changed. Supposed to have love, peace, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Man, I think I don't qualify as having any of these.
Then, it was holiday on Queen's B'day. Quite enjoyed having a break from work as always. Still, it was a lonely holiday for me. I thought about her again. I know, I know, the entire situation seems so futile doesn't it? Better not to think about it but the thoughts just stray in, ok? Came by this song on youtube about how life is complicated but beautiful. The complicated part I totally agree with. Still looking towards a perhaps fictitious day that I might look back at this period and laugh at my current negativity towards life. I'm not sure if I had shared this with all my close friends, but if I were to recall a very happy day in my life, it would be when I was about 5 years old, playing without a care in an inflatable pool (by my uncle's condo) on a beautiful sunny day. Damn, wouldn't it be awesome if I could replicate the joy of that moment. There was so much joy in life then, so much excitement, so much hope that everything will just get better and better. But as I write, the world's going to the toilet and a pool-side funeral is perhaps the closest thing I can have to replicating that moment.