Right now, I'm at my uncle's place in Hamilton. It is quite pleasant and relaxing really. No more drunk choir outside singing "YMCA" at night. Right now I'm the boss of the house (in terms of seniority anyway) as Uncle Mike and Aunt Hwee Lin are away. So here I am, a big brother to my cousins, cooking their meals, picking them up from school and of course, tolerating Hanna Montana on the Disney channel. Well, it's been quite alright here but I am glad to be moving to my next destination tomorrow. Got my handy talking GPS now! Makes me feel like James Bond. I had fun testing it out when I picked up cousin Samantha from school today. Never been to her school before but GPS made this pick up a piece of cake. Wonder if it'll work back in S'pore. Here's a picture...

And I thought it wouldn't be fair to leave out the past few days because they have been awesome apart from discovering the small scratches and missing vent cover on my BMW =( ... Okay, Friday was a great outing. Went out with Louise for lunch at the Little Turkish Cafe where I used to work, and then we visited the Auckland museum. I had been there once but I mainly saw the war section. This time I did the Maori section and the natural history part as well. Then we headed off to shop for some trainers (for Louise) before ending the day. The rest of the day was just routine and not worth a mention.
Saturday! I went down to
Snells Beach to visit
Sarshya and of course baby
Ayden. Thought I might see them before I move to Wellington, where it will be rather inconvenient to drive up then. Discovered that my left vent cover of my
beemer was missing when I got there (actually it had been even missing before I left Auckland but I didn't know until I asked my cousins later on). We had Indian food together and although I tried to play with
Ayden, he just starting crying when I carried him. Strange little one. Anyway, I still think he's adorable and here are some pictures of him...

Saturday night was sweet too. Mark brought Louise and me out for Indian
dosai and we had a great evening. Moved out of YMCA to my cousins' apartment. Goodbye to my home since March.
Then Sunday, went for early morning mass with Louise and then we had breakfast together. I think I have mentioned her a few times so I thought you might be curious to see how she looks. So here's a pic...

There she is! Louise, my friend and sister/activity partner for the whole of my last week in Auckland. Gonna miss her so much but she is going back to London anyway. So that's my weekly wrap!
Embarrassingly, I also accidentally deleted 25 post entries and don't know any way to recover them. So that means my memories for May, June and most of July have be lost. Oh well, sucks but it isn't really that important anyway. Sorry friends if you missed the previous posts but I suppose the latest is what really counts anyway... Gosh I still can't believe my posts are lost. I'm in total mental shock now =0.