St. Paul Never Met Jesus!!!

Okay. This comes as a shock to me. Also shows you how little I know about my faith. I've been a Catholic for ages and I did not know that Jesus had already ascended to heaven before St. Paul's conversion. And all along I thought he hung out with Jesus and the other disciples... Well, that's what I learnt on Sunday anyway. Wow. Just like this, the weekend is gone. I have been working on my freelance product introductions and that took most of my weekend. Did 8 product intros on solar panels. Boring crap. All marketing the same things; more conversion efficiency, green, clean, saves you money, high technology blah blah. Yep. If I met a solar power engineer in the pub last night, I would just have run away. Also, I have been spending a bit. Got me a nice pasta at Little Italy (was just craving it) on Friday and on Sunday, I had this lovely fish at The Muddy Farmer. All a bit expensive but I thought I need to spoil myself once in a while. I'm still trying to make some money so that I can just be a little more flexible with my budget. I have been dreaming of hot tubs in a posh hotel for some time now. Heh. On the reflective side, I have been thinking about what my family and friends are up to in S'pore. Must be a boiler room in there I can imagine. I hesitate to share the next part as it is rather private but I shall anyway, because I trust all the friends whom I share this blog with. Yeah, I'm still thinking of her (my relationship from before I first left for NZ) and at least for now, I'm not even trying to move on. Love is always kinda murky and it isn't that I expect that somehow we'll get back together again. It's just that as long as there's a flicker of her in my heart, I can't find myself being attracted to someone else. Oh well, that was from the silly romantic in me most of you probably never knew about (sort of like "St. Paul never met Jesus" kind of news). For now, I'll just accept it as it is; unresolved and murky...


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