Feeling tired...
Man, just like that, the weekend is almost over. I've been feeling really lethargic and low on energy this whole week. There is something weighing heavily on my mind. I'm so tired I almost didn't make this post and I am close to falling asleep on my laptop despite getting a solid 2 hour nap midday. Well, the weekend wasn't very eventful either. I met some new people at St Mary's meet and greet. Was just grab a tea, have a biscuit + peach tart kind of gathering and then it was off on your own again. Grabbed some groceries from pak n save and blew my weekly food budget (slightly) by 6 dollars. I've put my freelance in the freezer and am procrastinating getting it done when I really should be working on it. Shite. I'm not even sure why I'm doing this. This daily grinding and striving for some so called "dream" or "goal" or whatever. In the end we just end up in a jar, the sea, or six feet under. Better cut this short before it degrades into a melancholic melodrama. See ya! Hope the week ahead is heaps better for everyone.