Well, it had to happen sooner or later. That is, Michael Jordan getting into the NBA hall of fame. Totally deserved it. I had the privilege to watch him at his peak and he was so untouchable on the court that he kept lots of other excellent players from ever winning a championship ring. Yet when I was growing up, he wasn't my favourite player. I always cheered for the teams playing against him because I thought he made the game unfair (Was also because too many of the other kids liked him and I was, even back then, a non-conformist). Yet none of them beat him. Such was his enormous talent. So here's a toast to his
Airness, you are the best basketball player of my generation! And one more thing. There are a lot of sports writers complaining that he's cocky, arrogant and ungracious in his acceptance speech. Well, I think Jordan was just keeping it real and I don't think he intended to put down anyone. The only thing I could complain about is his awful suit. Baggy and crumpled sleeves and all. Peninsular Plaza has tons of better suits. Oh heck, if you're the best basketball player of the decade, you're entitled to wear anything you like. So once again, congrats to Michael Jordan!
On to my weekly wrap. I don't think this week was particularly bad. Work wise, it was okay. I'm getting more comfortable in my role but am still feeling tired having to do my time in my 9 to 5 job and then going home to continue with freelance work. My car (poor baby! Sob) got vandalized and that just put a dagger in my heart. Wasn't really that bad, just some idiot decided that he liked the BMW logo an pried it off. What an asshole! Why does God make these pieces of shit? How messed up can these people get?
This brings something to mind. Ever since I resolved to eat more healthily, I have been driving home for lunch. And while I'm having lunch, I watch this program (Jeremy Kyle) where there are tons of poor bitches and bastards that have royally screwed up their lives (Jeremy will then try to sort them out). People on the show have:
- Been addicted to drugs and alcohol
- Slept around. Often with their best friend's wife/husband
- Been cheated on (Have a baby but dunno who's the father)
- Lousy parents who never looked after their kids
- People with a rare crippling diseases that only two people have in the whole of the UK.
I suppose I can be thankful that I haven't messed up my life to that extent. I still haven't achieved a lot yet and I do believe I have a long trip ahead of me. Guess that's life. I am thinking of a long-distance race here. Not everyone has the same start point and it is grossly unfair for some people. Certain parts of the course favour certain people (some are smarter, know how to make money, popular with others etc) and occasionally we trip up. It is not all the same route though. Some have a smooth, repetitive track that many have run. Safe but unexciting. Others have a long, winding route, having lots of obstacles and adventure along the way. And then there are those who take ridiculous risks, jumping off cliffs, or running into unexplored caves. They could find a gem, a shortcut or end up a cripple. Never know. The end however is the same for all. So yeah, how are you running your race now? Tired? Walking? Hit a wall? Cruising along? Or stuck in a swamp? I do believe that although we do not always get to choose our course, or for that fact a course that favours us, we can perhaps control our attitude towards the run. So yeah, I'm expecting a lot of difficulty up the road ahead but that's only because I want to get somewhere. Hope to encourage all my friends who are in a rut now. Don't just give up and wait for the Almighty race empire to pick you up!