Here's my concept for this week. Said I would annouce it earlier but I spent too much time trying to come up with a concept theme so I just went ahead and did this. This is my take on getting an alien to fit into a Wuxia (Chinese Swordsmen) genre. Odd and a little out of place (somewhat like me) but I think I somehow managed to get it to work.
Right. What happened this week? I am feeling kind of dry. Like life is just going through the motions. I have become an expert in it. Just do it. Go to work, get X,Y and Z done. Go home, have dinner, watch TV, do some freelance work, bathe, sleep and then its the same old shit again. I know I need the money to keep myself alive but really, why is it I am keeping myself alive for? Ah, tomorrow will be another day to put my hands to the grind stone and donkey away. But I am at least a bit satisfied that I did my Sunday run and completed my concept challenge.
My entire family (mum, dad and sis) are headed off to the U.S.A for a 2 week holiday soon. It's great that they're going to do something fun and I think they totally deserve it. At work, I was told to keep more strictly to "official" work hours which is fair enough because those are the rules. In all honesty, I could take one day off a week and still finish all my assigned tasks on time. It's also daylight saving today and for the first time I got the time right. I remember feeling like it was twilight zone back in Milan a couple of years back because all the clocks were an hour early. (We have had no need for daylight saving in S'pore so this was a new thing to me). I think I missed Mass last year when the same thing happened but I got it right this time.
She looked me up again on msn. This time I didn't ignore her. She didn't sound very happy. And the reasons for that I shall keep private. I do find it a little easier to distance myself emotionally now. It is easy when there is no more heart left to break. Ah, at least I'm happy that Louise has got her visa and is coming back to this part of the world. I will be delighted to see her again. Gosh, it's 0145 NZ time now. Looks like daylight saving did catch me off guard again. Time to grab some shut-eye...