Man, work this week was largely frustrating. The actual work load was okay and I got through a lot of it (all of it actually, save for one of which I am awaiting an invoice to process). So what's the problem? Well, it's the warehouse personnel (one in particular) who have been giving me a hard time. From the start, I've never gotten really friendly with the two of them (let's call them Snort and Grunt) because they never did bother to be friendly. I have largely left them alone except for the few times where my work demanded for me to. So far we have a standing policy of non-interference (at least until my authority over them is made official), but this week Snort seems to be in a foul mood, and some of the shit he did was totally out of line. Pity my supervisor was on leave. I would have very much wanted to deal with it there and then. Here's my record of the incidents (Names changed for practical reasons):
30 Sep 09:
I have been sensing a lot of defensiveness and hostility from Snort ever since Monday 28 Sep 09. On 30 Sep 09, at approximately 1000hrs, I went over to the warehouse to ask for the batch numbers and expiry dates on the GMP EPO’s and Bmax because it had not been given to me. I asked Snort for the location of this particular consignment and if he had shelved them already (if it was not, I would just read off the pallet myself). He snapped back that “Of course it was shelved, I don’t sit on my ass and do nothing”. I have treated the warehouse staff with due respect and professionalism and it has not been reciprocated. As with all staff members, I am paid to do my job and not to suffer the negative attitude of co-workers. I understand that the warehouse staff are having a high workload and pressure due to month end now but so is everyone else, making this behaviour unacceptable.
1 Oct 09: Went over to warehouse to check for an order form (following up because a customer had informed us that they received an invoice for something they did not order). Was going to take the relevant stack of orders so that I can pick out the appropriate order form when Snort told me to take the entire box away “so that I will not get into the way of people working”. Once again, an undeserved snide remark. Well, I don't normally like to get worked up like that but when push comes to shove, some dogs just need to be put down...
Right, enough of job ranting. Let's move onto the other happenings this week...

I don't read much of anything nowadays except for graphic novels that I pick up from the library. I found this graphic novel called "The Lion Graphic Bible" and I think it is damn cool to have something like that. In truth I haven't been reading my Bible for a long time now because I found it boring, tedious and
wordy. Yet this little gem is refreshing because it is not only well illustrated and tells the stories in utmost clarity, it actually makes it entertaining and interesting to read (Some parts are funny too). Yeah, above is an excerpt of what's in it. I choose this one because I could relate to it very much. I chuckled when I saw the panels where Elijah says "I have had enough Lord...Take my life now. Take me with you and have done with it". And then he gets his little piece of bread and becomes less depressed. And I did get my little piece of bread yesterday.
I think I was just feeling quite edgy the whole week and on one of my evenings at home, I decided on a whim to contact Fox, who is a friend of mine when we used to work in
Huhus. He's now working in
Weta (the studio that made the Lord of the Rings) and I thought it would be nice if we could meet up. Fox has been doing CG for more than 10 years and has won every award there was to win. He's somewhat of a CG celebrity. In short, he has the life closest to what I would like to do and have in 10 years time. Here's a link to his work:
I went there just for a social visit and I think I got a lot out of speaking to him. As you all know, I'm kinda stuck in a career rut and for the past year (or past few years), I've just taken whatever was served to me. The job at Southern Star, the job at
Huhus, the job at Little Turkish Cafe and now the job at Creative Energy. I had a vague sense of where I was going but never a clear bearing. When I lost the job at
Huhus, coupled with some other important things I lost at approximately the same time, I was blown off course and for a time I just drifted to wherever life took me (i.e. I was terribly lost). Since then I've been grasping straws trying many things to get back into it, but never really knowing what I needed to do. Talking to Fox (and his wife, Marta too) really made a lot of sense and helped me to gain some perspective on my situation. One of the things we talked about was belief, and how many people simply do not try because they do not believe they can do it. This really instilled a sense of belief in me that was clearly lacking and was just what I needed. Now I just need to draft my plan to get what I want. Oh, we had a lovely dinner together and watched Episode 3 of Star Wars in
HD too (criticized the hell out of it.
I should be buying my guitar tuner today (at last!!!) and also helping out in the Youth Mass as a collector during the
offertry. Not sure if I can fit my run into my schedule today, nor my weekly concept challenge but I will certainly try to do them both. =) And at long last I cleaned up my pig sty of a living room and should do the same for my room. It has been neglected for too long. Just like my dreams were...