Just look at it. Mess. Beer bottles on the book shelves, sleeping bag on floor, unwashed bowl on table and clothes all over the floor. Generally, the mess in my room reflects the mess in my life. Did a big clean up of the entire house. Cleaned the kitchen (a week's worth of plates!!!) and the living room too. Now the house is sparkling clean, except for my room, of which only the beer bottles have been thrown out. Gosh, I'm a such a slob.
Anyway, this week was okay. Couple of minor annoyances along the way and perhaps two "God-help-
me's". Went to Mass again this week and sat at the back. Was different this week though. Not the usual boredom and wondering if God was listening but I did have a feeling of being loved there. Missed my run this week. Cleaning the house just took too much time. Watched Rocky 3 and Rocky 6 (Rocky Balboa) just to get a bit inspired. Rocky 3 was awesome but Rocky 6 was just getting a bit silly. Yeah, watching Rocky really helps me get my head screwed on right again. I think Rocky Balboa is the closest thing to a rolemodel I have.
Moving on...
I have experienced this more frequently now and I'm not proud to say that I have done it to a few friends too; I have been left hanging on
MSN (as in start a conversation and then leave it halfway) and have done so to others as well. I suppose that is understandable now that I am in another time zone and most of my friends are just starting their day when I am winding down already. Still, I resolve not to do that again. It is plainly quite irritating, especially for judging type personalities.