Happily wasting time

Woke up at 5am this morning. Was a lovely day. Seems that the sun is coming out earlier and the birds are starting to chirp and hour before my usual wake time (7pm). By right I should be really tired by now but man, I feel I've got energy to burn. Must be having one too many protein milk drinks (just written off a whole bunch of them). And what am I doing with this new found energy? Nothing. I'm just happily enjoying wasting time. The plans I made over the Labour Day break have been stuffed back into the closet. But I have discovered several things...
  1. New Zealand Post commercials - Watch these. If they don't touch your heart, you're a robot. The person who came out with the advert is pure genius. Here are the links for all three: Ad1, Ad2 & Ad3. Theme song played by an NZ band. Awesome.
  2. Guitar playing - I'm a better guitar player when I'm drunk. No where near good. But somehow more fluid and uninhibited.
  3. Superhero I'd like to be - Green Lantern
  4. Superhero I'm probably closest to - Batman or Rorschach
  5. Guy Fawkes Day is today - Yep. Today is the day for fireworks. Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Parliament, get caught and executed. Was supposed to be drawn and quartered, but as the executioner placed the noose round his neck, he jumped off the platform, dying instantly. I'm wondering why a terrorist gets celebrated. Maybe it's just an excuse to satisfy some weird pyrotechnic fetish.
  6. Favourite comic artists: Cary Nord (Conan ongoing series) and Ivan Reis (Green Lantern)
  7. 90% of academic content learnt at school is a waste of time, unapplicable in life outside of the classroom. NUS probably managed a higher percentage. Most teachers meant well, some were inspiring and some know little and pretend to know much.
  8. I have beer bottles on my bookshelf. Just been too lazy to take those down. Got 3 Steinlagers, 4 Heinekens and 3 Tigers (Yes Tigers! Unlike S'pore, they don't have an "uncle" image. But who cares? I'm becoming one anyway. Already 2 of my close friends had babes in 2009, with one more on the way).
  9. "Black BMW = Asshole" is the impression most people get when they see someone driving one. I love my beemer but I do not think it reflects my personality accurately. Would probably go for a small, functional Japanese car like the Mitsubishi i-MiEV sport if it were up to me.
  10. Well, seems to be nice to put it one last one to make it 10. Yeah, let's have no. 10 for NZ PM John Key. Man, I admire his skill to skirt round difficult questions and issues. Class act. S'pore PM Lee the Younger could probably learn a bit more of this. Nobody wants to hear that "It's not all fun and games" or "Mee Siam mai hum"... Guess it doesn't matter really. The opposition walks over most of the time anyway. I never had to vote before. Just got served whatever PAP canidate there was.
Well, there you have it. 10 random things of seemingly no purpose. Much like how most things in life are like blunt pencils; pointless...


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