Had a run over the weekend. Was bloody hot. Got a throbbing headache after that but am feeling real good now. As you can see on the map above, that's about 7.1km one way. Jogged the way there, walked back. No longer as fit as I used to be. Would previously have been able to run there and then jog back. Still, I deserve points for trying. Had the usual
skype talk over the weekend with family and then had a long talk with my small "
kao fu" (youngest uncle on my mother's side). Was a really heavy discussion about religion and life purpose. Ashamedly, I am now a non-practising Catholic. I no longer attend Mass these days and I often wonder if there is a God. 29 years as a Christian and this shouldn't be in question... but alas it is. Well, nothing too exciting to report this week, just typing off the top of my head.