Holiday so far + break up log...
Met up with her today. Was supposed to watch "Sherlock Holmes". Bought the tickets but couldn't go watch it because she had too much to do. Had dinner with her and passed some stuff I had gotten for her from NZ. She got me something too but eventually realized that this relationship was one that would never go anywhere. She is still with her boyfriend and has no qualms about cheating on him. I guess we all do project our own perspectives and morals on others but I never thought that someone could do something so dishonourable and still feel okay about it. She was my library book (I always had to borrow her from her boy friend) and I was I think a spare tire (kept in storage in case of emergency). Well, decided to end it definitively today. She sent her "Thank you, I enjoyed the evening", I sent my "Forget me. It is best for us". Threw away all the stuff that I got from her; socks, undies, toys, even the new present I got this evening and erased all mobile numbers, email addresses and contacts as well. It just had to be done. I do wish her every good thing though... I felt that the film "500 days of summer" is what this whole thing is like. Autumn it seems, proves elusive. Anyway, the forgetting begins. I just have to focus on the positives of my life and live with this scar.