Finally on Facebook as life's troubles continue...

Hmm, I'm all over the place today. I got drawn into this stupid argument with my parents last night and I know this has deeply affected all of us. What was it about? Career choices and what I was "planning" to do for the next few months if I were "not-to-screw-up-my-life-forever-Amen". As much as my parents love me, they have time and again failed to understand me. They actually want me to go for night classes to grab an MBA or some English teaching certificate. The idea is to make myself readily employable so as to be able to earn a decent living in case I get my ass fired when my contract expires in July. Good idea I suppose. But then again I'm not ready to spend any more time on academic pursuits nor have I planned to commit more time to it. Truth is that I am working on my 3D so that I can get work as a model/texture artist and work my way up to art director one day. I'm not doing this full-time as yet because I know how dangerous this can be to financial security. You can't really thrive with 3D as your core skill. It must be developed around a stable non-3D job so that I can somehow fund my passion. Anyway, somehow or rather, I managed to shove my foot into my mouth by telling them how I really feel about life now; It is seriously lacking any true meaning and direction. And of course mum and dad overreacted. Tried to bombard me with a whole load of how life is meaningful and how we should be useful an contribute to society etc. blah blah blah, but their words had a hollow ring to them. I'm not suicidal by the way. And I'm not being defeatist (okay, at least I try not to be) too. I just don't feel that life has much meaning at present. I am learning to minimize losing time to depression as in I feel the sadness but I work through it. Simply, I find a way to channel my energy onto the task at hand, which helps to make me a stronger person. Not having a cause doesn't mean one should not prepare for the future. It only means that it is more difficult to do so because you need to be constantly disciplined and focused, to remind yourself not to give up, to keep moving forward, even if you can't see where you are going now. Well, that was my weekly skype call there. Almost 2 hours of nagging and arguments. Let's now move on to some of the other less depressing activities of the week: Work - Was busy this week and I didn't get everything done. Still, despite having headaches at the end of the week, I made it out okay. The warehouse boys didn't give me a hard time and I guess I am starting to earn their trust. Aikido - First lesson. Got a really good workout despite being quite clumsy. Was only the sensei, one senior, and myself as the others were on summer break. Dojo looks very neat from the inside but from the outside, it looks like a drug house from outside. Did a lot of bowing and break falls. Why am I in this? I have lots of rage to let go of and also need to exercise my discipline. Movie - Watched "The Lovely Bones". Plot? Creepy murderer kills teen girl. Justice not done in my opinion. Just watch it to see what I mean... Facebook - Felt guilty of neglecting invites to facebook so am now on. What have I done? Look what has happened now. It is all bright and sunny after I thought summer had left for good (It was cold and raining the past 2 days). I prayed for a nice sunny day to lift my mood and I got it. Will give thanks for that later on at Mass.


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