Here are a few snaps of my family before I left S'pore. We had dinner at the soup kitchen, which I had my favourite Samsui Chicken. It is one of the few things with ginger I actually like. Jeng Heng came to see me off. He's a real pal. Got me a tourist shirt and we had a good laugh about it. Sis rushed over from work to see me off too and I appreciate it too. My sis isn't good at expressing her emotions but I know she cares. Here's her way of saying she cares...
Sis: "Boy boy (that's me), I dreamt you died last night."
Me: "Really?!!"
Sis: "Yuh. I cried". (Poker face...)

Here's my dad...

And my mom. Still treat me like her baby. Heh, mothers...
Then it was time to hop on my Qantas flight...
Qantas sucks. The food was horrid, the service was slow, the TV sound system was barely audible and the seats had no foot rest. Sat in the MIDDLE seat, flanked by a reasonably huge Caucasian (aisle) and an old Indian lady (window). Indian lady kept wanting to get out (go for walk, toilet etc). Sigh. I think if you are taking the window seat, you ought to exercise some restraint. Eventually, she swapped seats though, realising that it was very annoying for the others. So I took over the window as the rightful iron bladder and the rest of the trip was at least bearable. Oh, and it did not help that my section was mainly served by a fat balding, gay steward, with perpetually arched eyebrows as if he were trying to give himself a facelift. Gosh, I miss Singapore Airlines. At least they look good.

Landed in Melbourne and had 2 hours to burn. Went shopping as part of indulgence therapy. Check out the display above. Says "Something for the ladies" and there's absolutely nothing on it. I already love this shop. Ended up buying myself a CK summer fragrance before catching the final flight to Wellington. Man, the bloody sausage and egg they served for breafast was barely edible. It looked like it was created in a microwave by one of those reject chefs on Gordon Ramsey's kitchen nightmares.
Anyway, am glad to be back safe and sound. Everything looks fine at home. Work was okay too. Was a little jet lagged but the day still went on fine. After work, I indulged again. Bought myself a basketball hoop and a Street Fighter calendar. Will be going for my free aikido lessons next week. The lessons cost just $40 a month which is not expensive at all. Why am I learning a martial art? I think there is a real feeling of empowerment walking away from a fight knowing that you could send the other person to hospital if you would like to. This is opposed to walking away because you knew you would probably get your ass kicked otherwise. Probably not gonna tell my instructors this. I'll just say that I would like to learn to be more disciplined...
Lastly, I guess even after all my tragic relationships, I remain a romantic idealist. I briefly wondered if I would become a cynical pragmatist when it came to love, treating it like some form of cheap currency but alas, the idea disgusts me. Somewhere there must be the perfect someone for me, even if I have no idea where to look now.