Sigh. Last week was absolutely horrid at work and I hope this doesn't persist. I had a lot of rest last night. Went to bed at 2000. Was thinking of waking up to do some 3D but decided against it. I needed the recharge. I'm still a bit tired but I think I should be fine. I should also plan an exit strategy for my current job. I'm not ungrateful for it. It would be worse to be unemployed. Not longer than 2 weeks ago, there were 2000 people in line for 300 supermarket jobs in South Auckland. Didn't do anything special over the weekend. Read lots of Naruto. XX gave me the link and now I'm hooked! That was what I did on Saturday mostly. On Sunday, I went for the 11am Mass and that wasn't a very good idea. I suppose that was the most traditional Mass of the day and they were doing Gregorian chants. Have trouble sleeping? Listen to Gregorian. It has this peaceful, hypnotic effect. Watched Astroboy after that. Was sweetly animated but somehow doesn't stand out particularly. Just for getting through a hard week, I decided to reward myself with a prize. I bought this Green Lantern figurine (It is from the pages of Alex Ross's Justice) and I am admiring the design as it stands in front of my desk (See picture above). Okay. Need to get to work now. Deep breaths...