ABC... Auckland,Boredom & CNY (Chinese New Year)
Has been a while since I posted any entry. Have been busy taking over more responsibilities at work. It feels more like a field promotion (minus the increase in rank and renumeration) because my supervisor may be leaving indefinitely if her old arm injuries require surgery. Still, it gives me a lot more clout than I used to have and I am thankful for that. I made my first "business" trip up to Auckland to visit the Auckland office (very nice by the way) and also to spend CNY with family. Was okay. Ate a lot, was bored a lot (spent most time doing my own 3D and reading Naruto manga, rather than "socialize" with family and their friends) and travelled a lot (shuttling from Auckland to Hamilton and then back to Welly). I'm trying to be more involved both socially and spiritually with the Church but quite honestly, I think I am a failure as a Catholic. I try to hang out with my Church group but I find myself smirking when they all agree to some do-gooder agenda (Let's visit the prison. Yay!). I still love my sin and I believe that some people deserve what they are getting (I have a strong preference for justice over mercy). I have no problems acknowledging there is a God, but I do wonder if He is a loving God as the Bible says. Jesus? He is becoming very faint. I find myself just praying to the Father and well, simply put, I don't feel any connection to the person of Jesus anymore. And... It was good that the Chinese New Year festvities kinda washed over Valentine's day. We need more justice in this world, not more of that annoying love crap.