Flogging a rocking horse, getting nowhere
Monday. Sigh.
Got out of bed 10 mins early to go for a run. Did not go. Ended up semi-asleep in the shower. The weekend dripped away, mainly spent on sleeping, playstation and the weekly must-do's like grocery shopping and washing a week's worth of dirty plates. Went to Mass but quite honestly my thoughts were divided between:
- How to acquire the secret treasure on level 25 of Soulcalibur.
- Whether Jesus was/is real? (I had just watched Religulous and there were lots of fair points raised).
Yep, I am struggling with this. The justification for faith is that there is a lack of evidence/capacity to understand the will of God. Yet faith is not baseless. One must at least feel the presence of God in his/her life. And the problem now is that I don't know. And all those "I-don't-know" people in the world can't be happy people. I, for one can't live with "I-don't-know", especially for something as fundamental to life as this. I just hope "I-don't-know" doesn't become "I-don't-care". That way you will just be another part of the meaninglessness, in the ecosystem just to consume resources till you expire. Depressing? Ah, then let's drop this for now.
I look backed on some of the things I did on the previous week and although they probably aren't very significant, here they are:
- Told a bossy colleague to piss off
- Went for 2 Aikido classes
- Designed my 3D character's weapon. Now the belt doesn't look right and it is back to the drawing board... But I'm pretty happy with the weapon.
- Shopped around for PS3 games - God of War 3 and Final Fantasy Whatever is out. Decided not to buy until I've completed Soulcalibur (and my 3 other games)... Trying to save money and I also realize the serious implication that those new games will eat up 6 months of my life. Each.