Well well, this week I just burned money... New tires for car + warrant of fitness $345, electric bill $100 and yes! My lovely PS3 $430, delivered by a 3G (Gorgeous geek gal). no less. Too bad she was selling her PS3 only because she was leaving NZ. Buy hey, that moment when she passed me the PS3 was the stuff dreams are made of! Man, it's been a long time that I was actually this excited and happy about something. It's a childhood dream fulfilled. Was one of those things that I always wanted but never got. Till now that is! Gosh, I must sound seriously demented but I found myself singing a song for my PS3 to the tune of Billy Ocean's "Suddenly". I only know the chorus and it goes:
"PS3!!! life has new meaning to me
there's beauty up above, and things we never take notice of
You wake up, suddenly your in love"
Ahaha, I must get my head checked. Too many strange thoughts within.
Now, onto other events that happened during the week...
Freelance - Got a job from Jaden, who got it from a grand bitch who paid just $40 for a 3D model and wanted it like yesterday. I spent 8 hrs on that and man, I do feel underpaid (again). But I see it positively as something to get me off my lazy ass and actually practice some 3D.
Church - Went for Youth Mass and then Theology on Tap (Preach-in-a-pub?). Met some interesting people there. There was this Indonesian Chinese programmer who works at Sidhe, which is a gaming company so it was good in a networking sense. There was also this girl there who I kept looking at for all the wrong reasons; she had the bushiest eyebrows ever! Anyway, the topic for Theology on Tap was about praying the Rosary. It is good sleep therapy if you ask me!
Work - I've got
shitloads to do. Supervisor is going achy-
breaky arms and has so passed me lots of her work. Other people are getting me to do stuff as well because I am actually getting things done. I think there is this huge hesitation to make a decision and move things forward, which gets into the way of bloody common sense and the whole set-up is so inflexible and rigid. But I don't give a bloody shit! 1. I don't care (well, not too much) if I lost my job. 2. My uncle is the freaking CEO! Feeling rather underpaid for doing do much... The bright side of doing a job like this is that I never get too emotionally attached to it. Seeing things without the taint of emotion can make a person really effective.
Aikido class - Did weapons training with the bo staff. That's like the weapon that Ninja Turtle Donatello uses. I somehow feel quite awkward with it. I never can relax my shoulders enough while wielding it which probably makes me over-extend when I perform a strike. Was cool though. Aikido calms me down. It removes the rage that I amass during work and I channel it all out during training. All that shouting is good stress relief too. I can probably shout better than I fight...
Well, that's all I have for now. Hope life has been fun for all of you reading this blog. Have a great week ahead! I know I will. = )