Monday. It's been some time since I felt okay. Still shaking off the flu but I suppose I felt better than I ever did since last Tuesday (other than the winter rash). Had the usual meeting. Went well. Focused on the immediate jobs at hand and got them through. Goofed up on a product order though (I didn't put it on my list to the manufacturer) and am feeling silly about it. Oh well, not that I have a lot hanging on this job anyways. My desk is so messy now. Rather than clean it up, I bought myself a Mr. Messy mug. Brilliant!

Spent Sunday working on my
demoreel. Forced myself to and felt good to just finish it. Just got so sick of work that I decided to apply for an animation job just for fun. Unlike my previous demoreels, which always felt not quite good enough, I had a good feeling about this one. How do I feel about my chances? I dunno. "Think about it when it happens" seems to be the prevailing trend.
Caught XX on msn again. He is on one of his "my-life-sucks" days. I don't really mind his moanings but I think he is just making himself depressed. Maybe he just needs to vent. Or perhaps he is just going through one of those tough periods of life. I suppose I could relate to what he is feeling but I think different people handle these tough times differently. As a friend, I hope to cheer him up but nothing is working. I suppose it is a time/experience thing, somewhat like how you can never just live by only doing what your parents tell you to do. You've got to try it for yourself, often to go in a huge circle to find out that what they said was true (okay, mostly). Still, I think depression robs a person of a life well lived and I do hope that none of my friends are shackled by it.
Last but not least...
Mother's Day! I'm not ashamed to say I love my mum because I have a great mum. I did miss her this mother's day being apart from her. Not sure I turned out too well but I appreciate everything my mum did for me. Thing I remember most? My mum hugging onto me (was about 5) as I chased after my mickey mouse ball as it bounced from the void deck onto the road ... and then a car zipped by. I remember her holding onto me long after the car had passed. Love ya mum!