Life is not a game... Or is it?
Okie dokey. Am back to blog an entry after what I have been informed was two weeks absence (Well, it was my faithful reader Jan). It always comes as a surprise when someone reads my blog because:
- You never know until they tell you
- I feel kind of cut of from the rest of the world down here in NZ
So let's move onto what I have been doing...
Basically, I guess the predominant activities are work and Dragon Age Origins on the PS3 (Completed it. Yay!) It is uncanny how an RPG (Role-playing game) mirrors life. I end up with the bitch mage of the party (Morrigan), give her a ton of thoughtful gifts and in the end she leaves at a bloody inconvenient time (before the final battle!). The Chantry (Church) girl is as boring as a brown paper bag and sings long songs while I look for my "skip cutscene" button. The warrior dwarf likely represents the working class man; he has tons of problems but he will be happy as long as he gets alcohol. Ocassionally he goes into a battle rage and goes beserk. The elves perhaps represent the artists and creatives; anti-establishment folk who are either social outcasts or bitterly subjugated. The nobles are much like our politicians today. Locked in their own political agendas, they bicker, fight , poison and backstab each other, while the common folk suffer and die around them. Oh well, at least the dog loves you no matter what...
Work. I have been doing a lot of it. I am working with a fucktard of a sales manager and while I think he is okay as a person, he just can't do his job. Went up to Auckland and then down to Nelson to visit key suppliers. At least those trips were constructive. Still, every trip I take away from the office put me behind on my work and although this week is a long weekend (Queen's birthday), I believe I have some catching up to do. At least it keeps me busy. Idle minds tend to dwell on a lot of useless things.
Here is our company's naturopath, Jill, who is also my best friend at work. Gosh, this photo is a bit creepy but that was dinner in some Japanese restaurant in Auckland. That is tempura fish on that boat and it was good.
Took this one of the rainbow when I was on the tarmac leaving for Nelson. Was a beautiful day when I went there. My first time to the South Island. It was for work but it counts anyway.
Ah, tired now. Going to collapse onto my bed... Thud.
