Day 08: Gestures
Monday morning and I feel that I have totally wasted my weekend. I didn't even do my grocery. Felt quite crap throughout the weekend as I haven't recovered from my skin problem yet. This is really putting a cramp on my life - All that itching and scratching. Can't do much of anything without being inconvenienced. Ah well, life is full of trials... Well, at least I did a bit with my project. Sculpted TWO muscle masses (back and lateral muscles) and that was it. Still, that was progress in spite of difficult circumstances.
Wellington was blowing gale force winds over the weekend and all the pretty flowers on my cherry blossom are gone. Such a depressing sight for Monday. I can imagine most of my friends will be dragging their asses to work, some more unwilling than others, working for a few dollars more, to pay the rent/mortgage/bill whatever. Yet, one (I think) escapes such fate. And that person is Patrick. Now I suppose he is the only VFX artist I know being paid a decent wage by an international studio (Double Negative) to do what he loves. Man, I can see how he enjoys getting up in the morning. The rest of you are just slaves to the machine. Lucky bastard you, Pat. Lucky lucky you!