Queenstown: Day 2 - Bungeeeeee!

Did the bungee! Pitched myself off the 43m high Kawerau Bridge. I always wanted to know how it felt to jump from a high rise. And now I know. The initial acceleration is the scary part. The loss of control when your body is falling faster than your mind and heart are used to. Then you hit a constant speed before the rope pull is the opposite direction and then you bounce around a bit before you lose enough momentum to be collected by the boat crew below.
Well, that was one thing I wanted to do to "see-how-it-felt" and I did it. I suppose that is what life is about really. Think about what you like to do, try to do it and then see how it goes. Today was also the day where I confirmed how out of shape I really was. 72 freaking KGs!!! Officially fat bastard. I found out when they needed to weigh me for the bungee.I guess I have something to work towards...

- Lose 7KGs before I return to S'pore in Jan
- Earn myself a bonus before I quit this job
Did a 4WD tour of Glenorchy, where some scenes of the Lord of the Rings was shot. It was beautiful and scenic but more of something a retiree would do. I slept for many parts of the journey. My sis dragged me to join her for it even if I wasn't too keen.I ran into an awkward talking moment with my sister again sometime after dinner. She says she doesn't like competition and I tell her life is ALL about competition. I tell her that maybe it is because she hates the idea of losing so much that sometimes she doesn't want to try. Then she tells me to stop pschoanalysing her and gets REALLY defensive. Lol. I really wonder what to do in situations like this. I guess I just changed the subject and we agreed to disagree.