Skull refinement. Looking not too bad at all. Learnt about the landmarks of the facial bones and that really helped. I really want to learn this foundational anatomy properly as I can use this as the structure for all my future male characters. Hmm. And then they'll get lonely and then that is when I start learning how to create female characters. Hehe. I just realized I sounded insane there.
Man, I'm bored out of my wits today. Spent the entire day asking for a packing slip and probably order some labels. Two tasks that I could probably do on a beach with my mobile phone. Spent the day watching sport science and skeletor youtubes. I figure if everyone cooperates, I'd be able to do my year's work in a quarter, then vacation for the other three quarters. But that'll never happen, which is why I am still employed. I mean, wtf? I asked for a bloody packing slip for two days, the bozos send me an INVOICE instead. Today I pointed out their mistake, which they admitted and still did not get the packing slip to me. Godammit! I could photoshop one from scratch in half an hour! Going mental over a packing slip. Man, I truly lead a charmed life if that's my biggest worry for the day.