2010 in retrospect

At the start of 2010, I kept a log of my msn headings, just to track how I was feeling throughout the year. Here are the headings:
1 Jan - Oh give wine to the bitterly distressed... 6 Jan - Back in NZ. Lots to do... 11 Jan - Inspires and ruins in equal measure... 14 Jan - *Blank* 17 Jan - Farewell beautiful summer, I shall miss u... 22 Jan - Long weekend this week 26 Jan - Don't quit and don't die! 28 Jan - Wishes he was at the beach instead of bloody work... 31 Jan - The soul afraid of dying never learns to live 8 Feb - would love to administer some Conan style justice... 11 Feb - is in Auckland now 15 Feb - has lots of work to clear... 23 Feb - PS3... Thou art mine at last... 1 Mar is definitely working harder than he's paid to... 3 Mar Too much work...Kage no bunshin!!! 5 Mar *Blank* 6 Mar Just wanna eat my raisins in peace... 8 Mar Damn! Forgot to buy raisins!!! 17 Mar Sleepy -- 17 Mar If I were Russian, I'd be Slakinov... 21 Mar Not all dreams can be realized but all can be pursued... 25 Mar I used to rule the world, seas would rise when I gave the word. Sigh. 30 Mar Dun poke the shit balloon. Dun poke the shit balloon. Dun poke the... Aww crap... 6 Apr Defrosting from cryosleep... 20 Apr Idealism go down the hooooooooooole 28 Apr Don't know what to do - Dane Rumble 4 May You only need $150 SGD to be an Indonesian rupiah millionaire 10 May Chelsea are the CHAMPS!!! =) 17 May Dragon Age Origins - Goodbye social life! 5 June Why can't there be love? 28 June Whatever... 3 Aug Is compiling a list of top 10 breakup songs... 5 Aug Stop distracting myself!!! 9 Aug Whimper while you work 8 Sep Hope is nothing without will power 19 Oct Ran out of work and watching Skeletor on youtube... 1 Nov Monday sucks. Wanna go home now! 15 Nov Back in NZ 6 Dec *Blank* 13 Dec I'm the company anus. All the shit ends up with me until I clear it. 28 Dec Strange compulsion to put fluorescent orange strips on black objects after watching Tron Legacy...
The results of this highly unscientific experiment? Of 365 days in the year, I spent:
  • 57 days on being - Angry/Frustrated/Annoyed
  • 17 days on being - Busy/stressed
  • 60 days on being - Depressed/Sad/Resigned/lost
  • 136 days on being - Neutral/indifferent/tired/jaded
  • 59 days on being - Introspective/determined/inspired/amused
  • 36 days on being - Happy/Estatic
So if I were to psycho summarize my year, I spent 37% of my year feeling negative, another 37% of it feeling either tired, neutral or indifferent, and only a paltry 26% of it on feeling generally positive. Wow. That means for every week, only 2 days on average were happy days. And I won't be surprised that those 2 days were the weekends.


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