Mini birthday...

Ah, today was a fun day. I was pretty worn out during the week busy fixing the numerous contingencies that happen in my company. Another co-worker quit but I guess I am happy about it. Nobody could really work with this person anyway. And amongst the little troubles of life throughout the week, I had to deal with death. Yep, death at my doorstep. I opened my door one evening and found this sick hedgehog outside my welcome mat. I tried to shoo it away but it could only move a few steps before stopping. Then the night came and it was out in my backyard braving the cold and windy Wellington night and I just felt really sorry for it. So I got my old Green Lantern t-shirt and gave it to the hedgehog to use as a blanket. As the hedgehog looked really sick (I suspect it had been poisoned), I put my extensive trench digging experience (from NS) to work and dug a small hole in my garden. Quite an achievement if you take into account that I had nothing to dig with except for a spoon to dig and a cut-off PET bottle to scoop the dirt out. Then the next morning came and Sonic (as I had named the hedgehog) was still alive. Shallow breathing, but still alive. Yet when I returned home during lunch, he had already gone to hedgehog heaven. Thus I wrapped him up in the old t-shirt and lovingly laid him to rest in my garden. I was really sad that day. I don't really know why. I guess you kinda know that death happens to you everywhere and all the time but it is really different if you had to deal with it directly. So I decided to cheer myself up a little today. I remembered my birthdays as a kid were so exciting and fun. So I decided to have myself a mini birthday. I thought that it was good, healthy and fun and decided to have one every quarter. Just to feel some fun again. Just to refresh once again. So I went out and did the following:
  1. Watched Gnomeo and Juliet 3D. Really enjoyed it as it was quite different from the usual Pixar or Dreamworks stuff. Was touching as well as funny.
  2. Bought Dragonage 2 and was so excited about it but when I got home, I realized that my TV was too low-rez to read the text as it was quite small. Time for HD?
  3. Bought myself a small "Ninjago" lego toy just for the fun it. The excitement lasted just the 10mins I took to put it together but now I have got another little ornament to put around my room. I like to have toys around me. It reminds me of the part of me that refuses to grow up; the part that still believes dreams can come true.
  4. Wanted to buy a pair of Reezig shoes. But alas, they didn't have the color combi I wanted. Sure, it was dark gray + bumblebee yellow and not black + bumblebee yellow but I guess I am a little fussy about these things. Here's a pic of the blue version.
  5. Walked around in the park as it was a beautiful day outside.
I went to Church too but I am experiencing just a spiritual numbness to it all. I left early. The first reading was about how the serpent enticed Eve and then through Eve, Adam to cause sin to enter the world. I mean, how stupid is that? If you were God, would you just create one fucking tree that no one was supposed to eat from anyway? Or for that matter, why create the serpent? It is as ridiculous as a designer creating a 'crash' key for a computer keyboard. The product launch presentation will go something like this: Designer: "And beside the 'enter' key, we have the 'crash' key" Reporter: "So what does this do?" Designer: (Mentally rolls eyes) "It CRASHES the entire system. Non-recoverable." Reporter: "So what if I press it by accident". Designer: "Doesn't matter. It crashes still. It's function is to crash the system." Reporter: "And so how is this a good thing?" Designer: "Look, if you don't want your system to crash, just don't press it OKAY???" Reporter: "... ..." Yup. Life is absurd.


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