Moody Monday
Wow. Monday sure hits suddenly. Got to work a little late today and saw the temps waiting at the door. Number one and two door opener are away on their own appointments and the temps don't have my mobile. Oh well, done is done. I woke up very poorly this morning. Partly due to the cold and partly due to a 10 hour marathon on my PS3 trying to complete Dragon age 2. I can't really describe the experience; you just need to play it yourself. I never thought I had to make such tough decisions in the game. It is just as real life, except you can reload and start again when you made a mistake. And dragon slaying is metaphorical in real life... Imagine if life were an RPG (role-playing game). The best weapon would probably be a "+10 lawyer's letter of suing"...
But I digress. Here is a pic of my HDTV! A SONY no less. Oh well, that'll keep me entertained during winter, which will come soon. I hate winter. It is a real bitch. The only thing to look forward too is that the cold gets rid of the flies.
Onto other news...
My cousin Colin is getting married at the end of April and all the Chu family (except my sis) will be attending. I'm looking at an 8 hour drive up to Hamilton (and another 8 hours back) but at least it would be nice to see my parents once in a while. Frankly, I don't care about their wedding. Seems like a nice enough girl from the few times I met her. Oh well, I am rambling now aren't I. Bye for now.
