To dream again

Monday again. But I'm not feeling the blues so much today. Took a while to warm up (or rather defrost) in the morning but that was okay. Came into work late and found the two temps waiting for me to unlock the door. Damn. Jill forgot to tell me again but it turned out alright. I suppose how well you spent your weekend will determine how well you start on Monday and my weekend was quite good this week... On Saturday, I had Jill (my colleague and friend) over for a Rocky movie-a-thon. We had pizzas and beer and it was awesome (Jill paid). Jill was laughing at all the Rocky quotes that were supposed to be inspiring but you have to admit he is rather goofy at times. Still, the old training montage thing inspired me to go for a 10 min run in the dead cold of the night and I felt good doing it. I haven't been doing much exercise recently and it felt good to start something again. Caught the movie Sucker Punch and boy, it blew me away. It would be what I'd make if I had a cast of babes and tons of money. About starting stuff again, I have yet to overcome my lethargy and start doing 3D again. Instead I have spent many hours on computer games (not that I didn't have fun while I was at it). I have the sense that my competitive spirit withers as I age and to be very honest, I have been plain LAZY. I have just been on cruise mode for a very long time. Look, I've spent the first hour of Monday typing my blog while I should be working. It does get harder as you age. You start to settle and compromise. The job isn't so bad. Be happy you've got food on your table. Ah, now the family comes first and so on... Admittedly, I have put my dream on hold and I still need to review and constantly define what it is going to be. I still remember that before Grandma passed away in late November last year, I was still faithfully following my dream plan; at least an hour every two days to be spent on 3D. It is not much time to spend, but it pays dividends. Things like that do. Fitness, healthy eating and learning. I might quote Rocky about how getting hit and moving forward is the recipe for winning, but I would rather have this one:
"Most of us can, as we choose, make of this world either a palace or a prison."
–John Lubbock


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