Done one more. I did this one as a satire of how some relationships are just destined to fail. I love coming up with something new each week. It keeps me excited about life. I still think about the beauty of vaporizing into the wind and becoming existing as a non-sentient entity some times. Weird eh? Guess that is just me. I guess it is going all right for me so far. Work is busy but not overwhelming and the work place is alright because the people at work are an alright bunch. Y'know, it makes life so much better when you actually LIKE your work mates. And I finally have some social going as well. Fabs treats me like family almost and last week we went to watch Cars 2 with his 2 year old boy, Ayden. He was a real handful and Fabs had to leave the movie halfway. He was quite apologetic but I'm fine with it. I managed to finish the show and I think he was the one getting all stressed up. It was almost like he had a stress meter on his face and it kept going up each time Ayden threw a fit. When we got back, we both agreed that we aren't going to bring Ayden to the movies until he turns 3. In other news, it is getting bloody cold around here (I have my heater on max) but somehow I'm not getting depressed like I used to last year. Tired yes. But I'm definitely feeling a lot more positive as well. Art + Exercise + Vitamin E seems to keep me from crashing.