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Break free
Ah, another Sunday comes quickly to an end and I have finished yet another piece of digital artwork. I'm very happy at how this turned out. Initially, I called it "Chained Man" before changing it to "Break free" (Easter Egg: the text in front of the character are actually the lyrics of Queen's "I want to break free"). I guess this somehow expresses how I feel; chained and wanting to break free. Break free to do what? That I do not yet know. Perhaps it is just the winter blues talking. Watched Mel Gibson's "Passion of Christ" for the first time today and I thought the Satan in the movie looked like Harry Potter's Vodermort. Also watched 14 blades starring Donnie Yen and his sword box is really cool.
I continuously feel this tinge of sadness and negativity that seems to follow me around. I guess I somehow manage to channel it into something creative every now and then but it is kinda weighing me down. I think I am like a tortoise. Each year I live, my shell gets thicker, heavier and more hardened. It is like when the tortoise pokes his head out to explore the world, he is somewhat disappointed with what he is seeing. He might have once had a more open and hopeful attitude towards life but all that changed when he hoped and got hurt because of it. So more and more he retreats into his shell, and can't be arsed to come out any more. Other than my art, I don't think there is something I am doing that doesn't feel futile. There is nothing I can think of doing that will actually reignite my joy. I am surviving but I suspect part of me is already dead.