Finished another one today. This time a
cartoony fun one that could go on a kid's t-shirt (or if you are young at heart or just plain immature like me). This wasn't what I initially planned to do. I spent half a day drawing "
Babarax the
Barbarian Priest" and it just didn't come together. So rather than start from scratch, I picked up an old idea and finished it off.
Ah, I have become quite insomniac now. I lie on the bed but don't fall asleep and I wonder if it is my bed that is the problem (or me). Anyway, before I finished this piece, I was feeling quite unaccomplished. Sure I had my 2 runs during the week but something was eating me inside. Then in between one of my moments of waking sleep, I dreamt that Grandma was still alive and when I woke up, it kinda saddened me. Then this mind of mine kicks into overdrive, contemplating things of which I have no answers for. It stretches out to try to understand this life we are born to. Born free, then slowly enslaved. Enslaved by society, enslaved by the wealthy, enslaved by jobs, enslaved by religion, enslaved by government etc. I strive for purpose when I know the eventuality is death, and everything achieved on earth will ultimately be forgotten. Is it not wealth that we should amass for it apparently seems to be the obsession of the modern world? Yet, I cannot think of one thing I can buy that will take away this emptiness inside me. And what of the do-gooders that help the needy? Surely that is worth doing? While I applaud their noble spirit, I can't help but notice how many of these needy people are victims of destruction and irresponsible people. But then again God's justice is not our own. If I had it my way, I'd implement a system whereby if too many people think you are an asshole, BLAM! instant lightning bolt and the bastard is fried. And we will eliminate the world until there aren't any assholes left.
And then I turn my thoughts to this question "If you had a choice, would you choose to exist?" I think about all life can offer me now and I'd prefer not to. It wouldn't be a sad thing in this case because you simply never came to be. So your friends and loved ones won't feel the pain of losing you. But such thoughts are ultimately useless because here I am and I exist. Guess I should try to make the most of my life.
Ah, it is time to go to sleep now. I'll need my energy to work tomorrow.