Focusing Post
Ok, this is what I call a "focusing" post. This happens when you feel so pressured about something that you lose sight of your objectives, and then need to sit down, take a deep breath and regain your inner calm. How did this happen? Well, it is Monday, the damn worst day of the week. Started in the morning when the supplier was supposed to despatch something but held back stock because they thought that payment for previous invoices have not been paid. I am also get lots of calls and notices from supplier that they won't ship stock until our company pays up. Yep, I'm worried all right. How do I fix this? What happens if I lose my job (Again)? Why me? What am I doing wrong? And I realize that a lot of what happens next is beyond my control. Freaking out is common around here these days. Still this is a focusing post, at the end of which, I will give myself advice to get back on a focused frame of mind. Here is what I tell myself:
- If it is beyond your control, you cannot do anything to change it. Do what you can change and hope for the best. This is the sensible thing to do.
- Do not engage in negative small-talk. Since it is all beyond your control anyway, it doesn't do any good except demoralize yourself and your co-workers. If you need a release, a beer at the end of the day will help you forget.
- Do something that you enjoy each day. Watch your hours and use your time carefully. If stuck, take 30mins, sit down, and write down what you plan to do for the next 3 days. Keeping some sort of perspective will sharpen your focus. "Do not wait to strike 'til the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking." --William Butler Yeats. Or if you prefer, "In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable."--Dwight D. Eisenhower
- Work out a little each day. Do 20 push-ups, a few sit-ups, go for a run. Whatever. A body in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an external force. Just keep the energy flowing.
- Last but not least, if you have problems, write them down (to define them), have a plan to solve them (if you can) and pray for help (if you can't). After it goes on paper, it stays on paper. It does not get carried around as a burden.
Deep Breath. Exhale. I'm good to go again =).