Wellington is snowed under

Finally back from business in Auckland. On Wednesday evening! Day01: Arrived in Auckland on Monday morning and was scheduled to leave on Monday evening. Flight cancelled due to airport closure in Wellington. Too much snow. Got onto the plane, sat there for 30mins and then it gets cancelled. Was told to go to the "disrupt" counter to re-book flight. Balls, the queue was long and so I left to have dinner, thinking queue will clear a little after dinner. Fat chance! Queue grows from ridiculously long to ludicrously long. Gave up on the queue. Booked into some obscure motel called the harbourview (not much of a harbour and not much of a view) for the night with 50MB internet limit for $5??? By the time I reloaded all my tabs, it was all gone. Nice new furniture but obviously not planned by a designer (or a very lousy one). The heater was too small to heat such a large room and the shower cubicle was this stainless steel thing, which is only handy when you have knifed someone in it and need to clean the blood off. Still, the owners were friendly... Day02: Next morning. Tuesday. Turns out that the 0800 number to call for reservations is eternally engaged. Return to airport in the morning to try my luck at re-booking. Queued 3 fucking hours and got booked onto the 1800 flight to Welly. Killed several hours looking for a nice spot to squat (not a high traffic area and have a power point for my laptop). Finally found a spot and waited the hours away. As it approached 1800, I picked up on a lot of chatter around me. I was doing some CAD when some Maori ladies just started talking to me. Found out from them that the flights may be cancelled. They eventually adopted me into their "clan". It is weird how flight delays bring the oddest combinations of people together. Here we have some Maori ladies that look like they came straight out of a "Let's go for cervical cancer screening" commercial and me, a standed Asian. Being adopted into the "clan" has it's advantages though. They booked two rooms and gave me one. Stayed at another weird motel called the Bella Vista. Weird? Yep, the swimming pool is right in front of the porch and was in the middle of a round-about whereby all incoming vehicles pass through when dropping people off. It was winter though. So fuck the pool. I didn't even pack pyjamas so I needed to sleep in my business shirt. Fuck. Day03 Woke up at around 8am and went down for free breakfast. Only the juice looked appealing. Got to the airport by around 12pm and set up my laptop on the same spot as yesterday. Went off to get some food and returned to find an airport security officer standing by my temporarily abandoned stuff. He gave me a lecture about how it was dangerous to just leave stuff lying around and yeah, he's right. I was too tired to give a shit though. Eventually, the time ticked away and this time, the flight could leave for Welly without much drama. Oh well, I had forgotten that I packed my swiss knife and had it scrutinized at customs. Guess what? You CAN bring it on the plane if the blade is 6cm or less. As CARRY ON LUGGAGE. How strange? Not to be racist but if I saw some Pakistani/Arab looking person bringing a blade on board, I'd confiscate his weapon... Well, the rest is an afterthought now. I enjoyed my little "time off" but I guess I am glad to come back. Hope my colleagues will come tomorrow. I hate it to be just me and that asshole, Paul.


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