Someone dreams of having my life? Sure?

I felt sick when I thought about work today. I just didn't go. And instead spent the day getting some rest at home. The weekend was fun. I hadn't met Fabs for a long time now and we had a movie-thon at his place. Family Guy, Paul and then Source Code. His kid Ayden is growing up really fast and he is such a handful; boundless energy and climbing everywhere. Real adorable but I am actually glad that I don't have any kids of my own. As it is, I already have enough chaos in my life. Y'know, here I am looking at the world through the eyes of old men. It is like I have seen enough of the world and am sick of it. I am hoping that something will happen to make it feel that this life is worth going through. Or is this even the wrong train of thought? I came accross this picture (above) when I was browsing facebook. I guess the point is that we're probably very lucky to have food, shelter and clothes. I guess when we are asking ourselves if we like our lives, they are wondering if perhaps they will live. I wonder which fate is worse; to feel stressed because you hope for your situation to become better, or to feel relief because you have accepted that your situation simply is the way it is. No hope = no disappointment.