Hmm. Friday. And the hours seems to drag on till it is the weekend. I feel absolutely f**ked off about work. The out of stock situation is terrible and is likely to get worse. The office is developing into some sort of bitch house and I constantly harbour thoughts of just leaving my job. Of course the usual questions pop up - Eat what? Go back to S'pore? Do what? Sure? In this horrible economic climate? Your uncle gave you a job when you needed it and now he needs you... Blah, blah, blah and then I resign to fate and accept my suffering. Even PRETENDING that I give a shit now is tough. Instead, I just sit in my chair with all sorts of weird ideas running through my head, counting down to the weekend.
Weird idea 1:
I was to destroy Sesame Street the way Michael Bay destroyed Transformers.
Weird idea 2:
Think of this as a potential NUSID thesis project: A home poop monitor. Huh? Okay, let me explain a little. Let's say a person eats 2KG of food a day and craps 1KG, the net gain in weight is 1KG? It also gives an idea of how much food a person is digesting as well as energy being expended. So if we have this poo measuring device attached to the throne, we could have a good idea of what is going in and out of our body.
Yup. Weird. I amused myself with strangeness. Either that or I go batshit crazy.