First post of 2012!

First post for 2012!
I'm at work now waiting for boss/uncle to call me. I wasn't "excited" to get to work but at least it didn't feel like I'm getting my teeth pulled out. I had a great weekend, spending time hanging out with Fabs. We watched Tin tin. Like most people in 3D productions, Fabs is inbetween productions now. This is a sad and difficult time because you don't know if you are going to be renewed for another year. His wife, son, xbox and PS3 have all left the house for until he finds out if he has a job for 2012. I know how that feels so I made it a point to cheer him up a bit this weekend.
Thinking back, my trip to Singapore was great. I had a lot of fun with friends and family and had a great time. Some of the highlights of my trip:
- Put together a Gundam Model kit.
- Read Bleach manga.
- Meeting up with all my friends.
- Family Christmas party.
- Food! Nuff said.
- Shopping. (I was surprised I actually enjoyed this).
- Time to focus and think about my future.
With the last item comes my New Year's resolutions:
- Aim to be healthier - So far I have strapped a pedometer onto myself with the foolish goal of reaching 10,000 steps per day. I haven't managed to do this (my max was 8000 plus) but so far it has managed to get me out of the house more and I walk to the supermarket and mall (about 5km?) instead of taking my car. I also pack lunch to work instead of eating out. So far so good. I've dropped 1KG since the brief time I have started.
- Dress better - Okay. I should have started dressing more like my position as a manager much earlier than this. Previously, it was just t-shirts and jeans and I look like a kid going to work. Now I have more shirts in my closet and it feels better to dress up a little (still a bit casual with shirt tucked out). I have realized that appearances make a world of difference - not only the way people regard you, but also the way you regard yourself.
- Focus only on the positive - I bought a book on NLP and this is helping me lots. I feel more relaxed and less pressured. I do more and get sad less. I realize that your thoughts are living things, kinda like pets. In my mind, negative thoughts are like alligators - keep feeding them and they soon become humongous beasts that will consume you. Positive thoughts are like labrador puppies. Just looking at one makes you smile. =) I still haven't figured out what I want to do but now I feel I am more well equipped to take on opportunities. And I have friends to help me along my journey.