Moses: Chosen though flawed

I'm reading my beautifully illustrated Children's Bible (guess I'm a visual person so wordy "adult" Bibles just bore me). I and am up to Exodus now and most people will know who Moses is. He was the person chosen by God to lead the Israelites (not sure why they don't call them Israelis) out of Egypt and we know all the cool stuff he did:
  1. Told Pharoah to free his Israeli slaves and suceeded. True, he had the 10 plagues from God to "motivate" the Pharoah but he was standing up to a king who was a stubborn bastard.
  2. Parted the red sea (with God's help again).
  3. Got water from rock (with God's help again).
  4. Brought down the 10 commandments
  5. Started the Ark of the Covenant which is the inspiration for the first Indiana Jones.
He wasn't without flaws though:
  1. He was old - 80 when he confronted the Pharoah. True, they might be counting years different last time so let's move to the next one.
  2. He killed a man and tried to hide the fact.
  3. He was "not a good speaker" as he himself proclaimed.
  4. He was unwilling. He told God to send someone else.
  5. He wasn't confident he was the man for the job - "Who am I, that I should go to Pharoah, and that I should lead forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?"
Why do I post this? I suppose it reminds me that many people are primed for greatness but are hindered from accepting their destiny for fear that they aren't ready/good enough/haven't the right skills and talents. This is something I feel holds me back but as with Moses, God gives him the right push at the right time.


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