Day 3: Step Count

Step count: 14,783/10,000 (147%)
Distance covered: 13.3km
Walking time: 118 min
Weight: 71kg - Suspect my scale isn't very accurate. But as long as I keep going, the weight will drop off.

I started from home and jogged to the park opposite Jurong Point I wanted to check out the Jurong park connector and ended up on a detour that reached the PIE.

Wasn't very productive yesterday but I got my Michael Jordan Jersey finished. I guess the reason I haven't been very motivatate (find job, do art, do 3D) is that I haven't tasted success despite working hard. But as cliche as it sounds, I just need to keep moving forward. Keep practising. Keep running and simply don't give up. I do pray that I get a little lucky break every now and then to encourage me to keep trying but I guess character is built this way.

Okay, Mr. Mopey, time for contentment drill:

3 Gratitudes 

  1. I am thankful for a great dinner yesterday - Sambal stingray! Mmmm.
  2. I am thankful that the run made me feel a lot better. I was feeling super frustrated with my unproductive cycle before that.
  3. I am grateful that Heroes of Might and Magic 6 isn't as crap as I initially thought it was. The game is actually getting better as I continue to play through the missions.

Journaling - Done.

Exercise - As above.

Meditation - Mind is a bit quieter and body just a little healthier. Feeling a bit overwhelmed and not really wanting to do any work but no point worrying about it.

Random acts of kindness - I helped mum with the marketing despite feeling quite bored following her there. The night before, I went down to wind up the car window that dad forgot to wind up (police called us at night) so that he could continue sleeping.


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