Closed my eyes for a little while to collect my thoughts. I did get most of the difficult and unpleasant crap out of the way which is good for a Monday. Even went for a quick jog... to McDonald's. Oh well, had a light snack there so I'm not gonna beat myself up for it. I have been going out for jogs daily which can't be a bad thing. The immediate advantage is that I start needing less sleep as my energy levels rise. Starting to feel better but I think it will be some time before I feel great. 68kg is really achievable and so that is the aim. Still not really getting my act together on the job front but I think I will get there eventually. Still feeling the struggle to be motivated because I have had so little reward for the past five years so it feels a little "what's the point?" BUT I know true champions train even when they lose games.
And so... contentment drill:
3 Gratitudes
- I am thankful that I got the inventory report out of the way. Doing that is like pulling teeth.
- The Heat won. I know it is silly but it is always nice when your team wins.
- Y'know, with all that is wrong (or isn't right yet) with my life, nothing is really "unfixable". So there, I am thankful for the opportunity to pursue happiness.
Journaling - Done.
Exercise - Yup. Did take it a bit easy today but still got out of the house.
- Mind is filled with things that "should be done". It goes a little something like this
acts of
kindness - I helped to do the dishes and clean up after dinner since everyone else had to work today.